At the United Islands festival, Hungarian tones will be heard and Hungarian TEQball will be played

The United Islands of Prague Festival, which will take place for the 22nd time at the beginning of May, reveals the first performers. On the Prague islands, the audience will be able to enjoy a mixture of Czech, Slovak, Polish, Swedish, French, German and Danish music. A special space will be given to Hungarian music, which will be heard on Friday, May 5 in the premises of Klub Famu and on Saturday, May 6 directly on the main stage.

"Hungary will be presenting a more comprehensive program for the first time at the United Islands of Prague festival this year. We brought three young up-and-coming bands to the club night. In addition to them, on Saturday we will introduce the visitors to one of the most interesting innovations in the world of sports, namely the TEQball game, which was created years ago in Hungary and soon gained great popularity all over the world," says Hajnal Kassai, director of the Liszt Institute - Hungarian Cultural Center, with with whose support the programs will take place. The Hungarian music program is further supported by the Petőfi Cultural Agency within the framework of the HOTS (Hungarian Oncoming Tunes) system.

OIEE, Márk Bártha, Mayberian Sanskülotts will perform at the FAMU club on Friday, and Platon Karataev will play on the main stage on Saturday. OIEE plays instrumental sounds with tropical and not-so-tropical house, break, techno, nudist trance elements and modern soul vocals that give dance tunes and catchy hooks a very individual and uncompromising sound. Márk Bartha is a Hungarian composer, electronic musician, sound designer and performer based in Budapest. He collaborates with various theater and dance groups and composes for visual media. Mayberian Sanskülotts is a Hungarian dream pop band that successfully combines the rigid romanticism of 80s new wave bands like The Cure, the slow-burning grandiosity of Slowdive-style shoegaze, and the dreaminess and melodic sensibilities of contemporary acts like Beach House. The Hungarian indie quartet Platon Karataev wanders through the core of existence with his music, looking for answers through paradoxes, pondering questions by observing elements at the atomic level or looking at them from an astronomical perspective.

"Hungarians will not only present themselves at the festival with music. As part of the islands of inspiration, all visitors will be able to try TEQball, which could be explained in Czech as table football. The game combines elements of football and table tennis and is played on a curved table," explains Lubomír Rek, who is in charge of the non-musical festival program.

Dozens of artists from all over the world will come to the twentieth birthday of the United Islands of Prague festival. In addition to Hungarian music, visitors can look forward to a diverse range of new musical performers from both the domestic and foreign scene. The two festival days will offer, for example, the Swedish group The Magnettes, who take inspiration from the legendary group ABBA and belong to the most important Swedish bands, the Irish group Enola Gay from Belfast, who combine powerful bass and dirty guitars with recited vocals and excited electronics, or the Prague group P /\ST, which plays alternative experimental rap with a touch of hard electronica. From the Czech and Slovak scene, it will also be the turn of the Slovak rapper with the pseudonym Edúv syn, who focuses on mental health in his lyrics, the rapper Wodehnn, one of the rising stars of the Czech rap scene, and the Králové Hradec pop band The Valentines, which oscillates between the eighties aesthetics of David Bowie and contemporary guitar pop, playing what he says are "happy songs about the saddest things".

The program of the United Islands of Prague festival will take place in the historical center on the Prague islands. Admission to the festival is traditionally free for everyone, as part of the concerts and the non-musical program Islands of Inspiration.

14. 04. 2023