Anki (CZ)

Czech-Vietnamese rapper Anki released a new record after two years. Unlike the debut Saigon Stories, it is mostly in Czech. On No More Drama, he finds his place in the rap scene, but also in his personal life. Authentically, without strict lines or false certainty. The motifs of poverty, the periphery, changes in living conditions and one's own identity meet here with the need to express oneself without ostentatious poses.

Despite the serious themes, the record does not drown in hopelessness. Tracks riddled with uncertain mental states and uncontrollable situations are naturally accompanied by a stoic attitude. After all, their core lies in the need to rely on themselves.

When and where?

6.5.2023 15:30 - 16:00
Big Shock Stage! (Janáčkovo nábřeží)