Maz emerged from a conservative little town in Luxembourg, where the blueprint to a traditional way of life was put into his cradle in 1999. It took a while for his beautiful, yet gory poetry notes to escape his bedroom drawer; for the pride flag to appear between metal posters.

Today, he puts his thoughts into an explosion of emo-rap with references to punk and metal music. He mixes skilful rap with distorted screams and melodic hooks; creating a dark, yet hopeful form of expression. As Maz enters the stage, he ties audiences up into the limb of a giant marionette. A powerful collective beast that puts up a fight against social injustices and inspires one to accept their own darkness just as much as their light. This captivating live energy seems to have escaped from secrecy, earning him slots at iconic festivals such as Sziget or ESNS and the award for the best live performance at the Luxembourg Music Awards in 2022.

Maz is currently based in Berlin and Brussels and is working on his forthcoming album while currently releasing his EMO SEASON EP. 

When and where?

5.5.2023 23:45 - 00:30
Chapeau Rouge Underground (glitter.hit stage)