Three dozen non-profit organizations will be presented at the United Islands festival, the Islands of Inspiration are an equal partner of the music part

The United Islands of Prague Festival has been focused on musical discoveries for twenty years. This year, the audience will be able to enjoy approximately seventy artists from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, France and Luxembourg during the two days of the festival. The musical program will be accompanied by the thematic program Islands of Inspiration.

"The non-musical program connects entities that are dedicated to sustainability, diversity, culture or public space. Visitors will be able to choose what is closest to their heart. But it is already clear that it will not be an easy decision," says Lubomír Rek, who is in charge of the non-musical festival program.

The Říční Lithographic Workshop will be worth a visit on Friday and Saturday, where we will be able to take a look at the oldest workshop of its kind in the Czech Republic and see, for example, examples of lithography. You will then be able to make a musical instrument out of vegetables with Bruncvík, after whom the choir from Prague 1 is named. Since the organizers are also concerned with sustainability, they have joined forces with the pan-European initiative Every Can Counts and together they will strive to so that no can appears where it does not belong. During the festival, visitors will certainly not disdain a pinch of alcohol, as part of the Islands of Inspiration, special glasses will be available, thanks to which children (as well as adults) can experience what it's like to be drunk. There will also be an alcohol quiz for adults. At the stand of the Czech AIDS Society, it will be possible to be tested anonymously and free of charge for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C and to obtain information on sexual health, chemsex and modern treatment trends. The program prepared for festival visitors by the Scout Institute in Rybárnó - that is, in the place where the legendary movie How to Drown Doctor Mráček was filmed - will certainly be worth a visit. On Saturday, on Janáček's nábřeží, visitors can also meet, for example, the art workshop of the painter Rudolf Brančovský, among others the frontman of the band Poletíme? or giant trampolines prepared by Sokol.

Furthermore, during the two days of the festival, Ekolo, Haf studio, Charita ČR, Kokoza, Konsent, Heroine, IPR - Institute of planning and development of the capital will be presented. of the city of Prague, Mamon art, Million moments for democracy, Kampa Museum, Organization for Aid to Refugees, Prague Pride, Forest for children, Rekola, Sport kids, YMCA DAP, Život 90, Living Libraries and many others.

"As part of the islands of inspiration, all visitors will also be able to try TEQball, which could be explained in Czech as table football. The game combines elements of football and table tennis and is played on a curved table," adds Rek.

The program of the United Islands of Prague festival will take place in the historical center on the Prague islands. Admission to the festival is traditionally free for everyone, as part of the concerts and the non-musical program Islands of Inspiration.
You can find the complete program of the festival at, and additional information on the festival's social networks - on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

27. 04. 2023